
Resolutions— Keeping the Fantasy Romance Alive

December 30, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I’m working on my resolutions, even though 2012 could be my last year here, since I’m a lowly, coming-of-age Pearl. I’ve got two sets of resolutions: the first is focused on keeping my fantasy romance alive—because if I don’t, I’m history.

Become a better listener. Sometimes your mate needs you to just be there and listen, so I’m going to focus on doing that, instead of always trying to come up with a solution. I’ve got enough on my plate with the Save the Pearls campaign, working on my young adult fantasy novels and preparing for 2012—I just need to be there to listen, not solve everything.

Make time for dates. I’m going to come up with new things we can try to do together and make sure that we squeeze one-on-one time in whenever we can get away with it. I’m going to keep the fantasy romance alive by treating every time like it’s a first date—I’ll get dressed up and make sure my Midnight Luster is applied perfectly, make my room looks nice and not talk about the romantic apocalypse with him anymore!

Get myself together. I’m going to get in the best shape possible, which will help me prepare for the instance of an apocalypse world as well. My plan is to study hand-to-hand combat so that I can be as strong as the heroines of all my favorite young adult fantasy novels.

Be appreciative.
Instead of worrying about what I think Jamal’s doing wrong or what he isn’t doing, I plan to show my appreciation for what he does do. I’m going to make sure that I don’t complain and instead give lots of compliments.

Be positive. I’m also going to look at the glass as half full—meaning, I will think positively about my future and forget about the possibility of a romantic apocalypse.


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