What post apocalyptic books and films can teach us

June 22, 2012 in Urban Fantasy

Source: jabulela.com

All these apocalypse world warnings are getting annoying. Media attention on the Miami Zombie, earthquakes and suffering economies is hyping up the prophecies even more. If you’re dead set on focusing on the oh-so-imminent end of the world, why not at least absorb the knowledge you’re getting from post apocalyptic books and films and put it to good use?

If you’ve been obsessing on the news, reading Nostradamus’ The Prophecies and the history of the Mayan calendar, it’s time to focus some of that attention on preparation and strategy. Then you can at least put your “knowledge” to use in the event of an emergency, natural disaster or when the Uni-Gov comes knocking at your door. Employ the strategic thinking and ideas that you can get from all those post apocalyptic books you’ve been hoarding.

Probably the most important thing you can take away from science fiction and fantasy books set in dystopian societies, such as The Hunger Games and the Save the Pearls series, is that your survival is dependent upon outplaying and outwitting pretty much anyone you encounter. Get in the best possible shape possible, learn martial arts or some other form of combat skills, and take some outdoor survival classes. You’ll need to be thinking on your toes at all times and choose in advance whether you want to play the passive, reactive role or be on the offense. Many urban fantasy books and movies also offer good strategies for surviving in a dog eat dog world, even though some supernatural element may be involved. Regardless, from what is being prophesized, we’ll need to be prepared to take on anything from our neighbors to otherworldly beings and aliens.

The next important principle to take away from science fiction and fantasy books and dystopian films is to never trust the military (except for the Uni-Gov, of course). In an apocalypse world overrun by zombies, it may seem perfectly natural to run to the closest military base for safety. But at the end of the day, they are all humans too, and in a post apocalyptic world, the government will have no power and may be operating on the offensive even towards their own civilians. Stay away from that military fortress—it’s no safe haven, as indicated in The Crazies, 28 Days Later, The Hunger Games and Revealing Eden.

Another good thing to take away from your favorite post apocalyptic books, films and urban fantasy books set in dystopia is to be a good parent, a tenet that is well-represented in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. You’ll need to provide safety for your child and be there to teach them not to give in to bad habits like cannibalism to survive.


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