Apocalypse world strategies—A history of zombies

January 27, 2012 in Apocalypse World

No matter how many documents the Uni-Gov issues or which experts proclaim that no, the world is not going to end in 2012, there are still hordes of hysterical people setting themselves up for the worst. Apocalypse kits are flying off the shelves, people are stockpiling months worth of canned goods, and thousands of underground shelters are under construction. As if the Pearls have nothing else to worry about! Yet here we are, forced to answer the thousands of emails we receive asking—no, begging—for advice for surviving the apocalypse world.

The most prevalent state of emergency we’re hearing about is right out of a fantasy and adventure novel or script—the ever dreaded zombie apocalypse. Perhaps it’s the popularity of The Walking Dead and zombie movies that has incited this ridiculous trend. Those of us who spend our days and nights working to save the pearls are a lot more worried about the prospect of another Meltdown or getting a visit from the Uni-Gov—that’s when you know it’s really over. Regardless, after surviving the Great Meltdown, we’ve learned a thing or two about the undead.

A good way to learn about zombies is to watch a few of the hundreds of zombie films that exist and read some young adult fantasy novels from the genre, as the writers and filmmakers most likely did some research to set their stories up right. A few suggestions would be to watch classics like The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II and Night of the Living Dead, as well as some more recent movies like 28 Days Later, The Convent, The Crazies and Zombieland. These flicks will give you myriad ideas for how to outsmart the undead in case of an attack.

Where do zombies come from? The word zombie comes from ancient voodoo and folklore origins, in reference to a human corpse that reanimates to achieve certain purposes. While the ancient meaning most likely was meant in the same respect as the loa, or voodoo spirits, the modern day meaning hints to undead creatures of the night who roam an apocalypse world with the sole purpose of torturing humans in an attempt to satiate an undying appetite.

The myths behind how zombies came to exist are diverse—and frankly, they’re pretty good fodder for young adult fantasy novels. Yet many people still believe that the undead are the result of an infectious virus that is contracted either by getting bitten by a zombie, exchanging bodily fluids or simply by making contact. There’s even a school of thought that implies that an airborne disease could cause zombification, as well as another that suggests that people can be cursed into zombiedom.

Fantasy and adventure books and films have elevated zombies to iconic status in pop culture. This popularity gives credence to the concept that an apocalypse world actually could be on the horizon—zombies would take over the world, eating every living human and creature that crosses their path, learn to drive cars and fly airplane, and possibly even reproduce.

As a country that thrives on pop culture, we’ve embraced these dark fears with unbridled enthusiasm. Instead of working to save the pearls and themselves from a romantic apocalypse, the unmated attend zombie walks and prepare for National Zombie Day. One can only hope that these same people will put down the young adult books, turn off the fantasy and adventure movies, and get real. In the meantime, it may be time to start selling apocalypse kits.

Source: Lageeks.com


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