
Fantasy romance + voodoo

January 27, 2012 in Fantasy romance

One of my favorite Pearls recently found her fantasy romance and mated! I am so happy for her, especially because stories like these are getting less and less common. I hit her up for some advice to share in my blog, and was shocked to find out how she found the one. She went as old school as you could ever imagine—she cast a Voodoo love spell to attract her mate!

This was so not what I was expecting, but I figure I should share it with everyone and let them make their own decision. My only exposure to magic has been through reading young adult books and fantasy romance novels. What she explained is that magic can be “black” or dark, used for the intent of evil, or “white” and good, intended for positive things. This special Pearl created her own young adult fantasy by using a Voodoo spell to attract love and to remove all the obstacles that stood in her way.

Apparently, Voodoo offers a great way to learn about the sacredness of love’s energy. If you’re trying to star in your own young adult fantasy novel that ends with you finding the one, then you need to start with clear intent about what you want. The more specific you are, the better. Ask yourself all sorts of questions, like how do you want to feel, what sort of mate do you want and what is your long term plan? If you already know what obstacles stand in your way (like the color of your skin maybe?) then you can focus on removing them during the spell. Knowing what they are is half the battle.

In all the young adult books and romance fantasy novels that I’ve read, a few contained elements of magic. Until now, I always thought you just said a few words and then your desire came true almost immediately. Apparently in Voodoo, you need to direct your energy to your desire over a period of a few days in an almost prayer-like setting. My friend said it helps to create an altar where you can leave offerings to the “loa,” or Voodoo gods, and any other items that symbolize love to you. These Voodoo entities appreciate things like a little piece of candy or cake, flowers and incense. You will also have candles that you burn during the time you cast your spell.

You then proceed to spend a certain amount of time at the altar every day for nine days, praying or “casting” your spell to attract love to your life. When you’re done, you  bury everything from the altar, including what’s left of the candles.

The whole thing is very interesting. But the bottom line is, it did help her to find her fantasy romance. Maybe it can for all of us. Let me know if anyone else tries this avenue!


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