
Inhaling young adult books

December 7, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Lately, I’ve been consuming young adult books like they’re food and I’m starving in an apocalypse world—as usual, I need to create dark metaphors. I’ve realized what their appeal is—the protagonists are always people you can relate to. You have either already been through what they’re experiencing or it’s the basis of your deepest fears. You become invested in the characters and then, 99 percent of the time, they renew your hope in life when all goes well in the end. That’s exactly it—these young adult fantasy novels are renewing my hope.

My favorites at the moment are science fiction and fantasy books. Their stories give me an escape and make me completely forget about my situation. It’s refreshing, like taking the vacation I can’t ever take. It’s the one time I can forget about the imminence of an apocalypse world or trying to find a mate and just relax and enjoy. Get lost in another person’s problems.

I think I’ve gotten to the bottom of it—if I keep inhaling young adult books, maybe I will find the solutions to my issues or at least learn from the main characters’ quests. Until then, I’m pillaging the library of all its science fiction and fantasy titles.


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