
Back on my game

September 8, 2011 in Eden's Posts

So I was feeling down for a little bit after hearing about the latest Pearl disappearance (still haven’t heard anything new, by the way), which led me to beating myself up a little bit. I lost track of the Save the Pearls campaign because I had butterflies ion my stomach because I thought I found the perfect mate. It seemed like my own fantasy romance was about to unfold, and since we have no other choice as Pearls than to find a mate, I got a little focused on my own plight. Plus, it’s fun. I want the whole love story, the ones they write about in Harlequin romance novels and young adult romance books. (Okay, so I read Harlequin romance novels when I was younger, that’s all I could find on the bookshelf my mom left behind!) Anyway, I’m back on my game. I can’t help but check out all the new online dating profiles (Hello, Charmer171 and Thai!! And that’s just for starters) because I do need to find the perfect mate so that I can avoid the romantic apocalypse I’m facing. But I am going to do everything I can, I will Save the Pearls! Mark my words!

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