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Apocalypse world rumors—don’t believe the hype

January 26, 2012 in Apocalypse World, Urban Fantasy

As everyone from NASA to George Lucas have issued statements striving to debunk the rumors of an impending apocalypse world, people are still flocking to buy “apocalypse kits,” setting up old school bomb shelters in their basements and stockpiling enough groceries to last six months. It’s an urban fantasy gone awry—and there are a slew of con artists who are exploiting the hype to the fullest.

As sales of young adult books with post apocalyptic themes top the best seller lists, the people reading them must be letting their imaginations get carried away. There’s a flurry of females signing up for combat classes, buying guns and learning extreme survival skills that will probably never be put to use. The only good thing coming out of this is that more and more people are singing up on the Save the Pearls website and joining the campaign.

The 2012 apocalypse rumor is not the first of its kind—not by a long shot. Predictions of an apocalypse world have been rampant since the beginning of time. Everyone from the Greeks and Romans to Native Americans and Nostradamus has created their own brand of mythical rapture. Whether it’s prompted by a full moon eclipse or an earthquake followed by a Tsunami, some religious sect or post modern cultural group has a theory about the destruction of our world as we know it. Yet if you look back through history, it seems that cultures around the world have already experienced some form of their own apocalypse—whether through a holocaust, war or natural disaster—and these same cultures still exist.

Two of the most referenced documents that instill hysteria among the masses are the Mayan Calendar and the Book of Revelations. It seems just as realistic to believe the stories in dystopian novels and other young adult books! While the Mayans never actually predicted that 2012 meant the onset of an apocalypse world (it merely marked the end of the Mayan calendar), the Book of Revelations offers a pretty harrowing account of our future. Only a religion based on fear would offer such fodder for creating hysteria. Switch it out with an urban fantasy novel with dystopian themes and you’d have the same effect.

If only these same believers would put that energy towards helping to save the pearls!


by eden

Nuns, Priests & Potters—Perfect Jobs for an Apocalypse World

January 12, 2012 in Apocalypse World

In our last post, we shared career options for the apocalypse world. However, if you truly believe the apocalypse is near and you’re not interested in becoming a nurse or mortician (or you haven’t started school for those kind of jobs yet), rest easy, because we’ve got more ideas for you. So put down those young adult fantasy books, enroll where you need to, start studying and get your new career going because that Mayan clock is ticking for some of you, and for others, like you unlucky Pearls, it’s the tick tock of the birthday clock that has you on edge.

Priests and Nuns

You may think “Why would we need priests and nuns in an apocalypse world?” Same reason the demand for morticians will be so great—when your loved ones die, you’ll need comfort. As the world crumbles around you and your life becomes worse than the end of the world scenarios you’ve read about in the most graphic science fiction and fantasy books, you may suddenly want to find God. Many of us find the Lord in our time of need—and priests and nuns can help you do exactly that. They can provide solace in times of desperate grief and provide an ear for that confession you want to make when you believe the end is near.

If this sounds like the perfect career for you, or even if it doesn’t, the path here is easy. Who is going to know whether you’ve truly studied for either of these vocations? Sounds like all you have to do is grab yourself a bible and a nun or priest costume and you’re good to go! You could probably even wrap your favorite young adult fantasy book in a bible cover and wax philosophical if you hate the sound of psalms and passages from the bible. Just call yourself a member of the modern day clergy.

The next career option may not excite you science fiction and fantasy fans, but it will be a critical role to play in an apocalypse world society: Potter. When all that is left for us to work with is mud caked with the blood and guts of the innocent, someone who knows what to do with this new form of raw material will be cashing in. Artistic talent and mastery of ceramic arts won’t even be necessary for this arena. You just need to be able to make durable goods with practical functions—plates, bowls, shelter, a pot to %$&# in. You’ve got the idea.

If we do actually recover from whatever romantic apocalypse style catastrophe occurs, the career path for a good potter is unlimited—you’ll be the creator of your own destiny. You can make anything from bloody mud and once civilization begins to rebuild, you’ll have a lot of choices for using this coveted talent. If you are artistic, you could become the new Michelangelo if you really want. You could build pueblo style houses, office buildings or even churches! This really could be the chance you’ve been looking for to make a new life for yourself.

by eden

PEARL-y whites in an Apocalypse World

December 13, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I feel like I’m on a roll with my girl’s guide to the apocalypse, lol. So this week, let’s think about what to do about our pearly whites when we find ourselves in the midst of an apocalypse world—seeing as they’re pretty important. I mean, I don’t think we’ll have blenders and smoothies at our disposal, so we probably want to keep as many as we can.

In science fiction and fantasy books, we never see anyone caring for their choppers, so I’m winging this one—with a little help from my dentist. First off, he always tells me, “Only floss the teeth you want to keep.” Soooo, load up on the floss! I’m talking stockpile. The containers are so small, it shouldn’t be too difficult to have floss on hand at all times.

If you’re trying to find or cultivate an adventure romance, you’ll definitely want to prioritize toothbrushes and toothpaste in your survival kit. Yet that stuff can only last so long, so my dentist gave me a few ideas for when we run out. I’ll warn you, his ideas are not pretty and actually make me think romantic apocalypse, but here goes… while swilling your saliva around and licking your teeth can help prevent tartar build-up, you need something much more abrasive. A powdered pumice stone can be helpful, and plant sap is a great, albeit not as refreshing, substitute for toothpaste.

A reusable piece of fine string can be a great for flossing. The most important thing is to remove food particles from your teeth after eating to reduce bacteria. Be gentle—this is an area where you may want to dedicate a little time, so you don’t damage whatever teeth you do have left. Kissing someone with a virtual meal left in their mouth sounds like a direct path to a romantic apocalypse to me.

In all the science fiction and fantasy films I’ve watched, everyone looks perfect. Clearly, there are no standard guidelines for this, so send me any ideas you have! For now, it’s probably best to get your teeth professionally cleaned as often as recommended and get your dentist check-ups in. The better we take care of our teeth now, the better our chance of keeping some of them later—and the more teeth we have later, the greater our chances for maintaining an adventure romance. Wow, this does not sound fun!!


by eden

Beauty tips for an Apocalypse World Part 1—Hair and Nails

December 9, 2011 in Eden's Posts

So many people wrote me about my wardrobe tips for an apocalypse world that I felt compelled to create a guide filled with beauty tips. I mean, we can’t just let ourselves go in the midst of dystopia—if we do, we’re sure to lose any chance of a fantasy romance. I mean, dudes out there are searching for the perfect girl, not the perfect Chewbacca! Speaking of hairy creatures, I know a lot of you are wondering, whatever will we do with our crowning glory?

We all know that when our hair looks good, we feel good. Our mane has the power to inspire fantasy and adventure and unlock our self-confidence from the depths of wherever. The products and styling time that go into it our locks are greater than any other part of getting ready, even for those with short hair. In the apocalypse world, we’ll have little time and not be able to waste any power on luxuries like a blow dryer or flatiron—a complete travesty for those who are still trying to find a mate. If you’re not down to chop it all off, I suggest getting a stockpile of baby powder to double as dry shampoo and as deodorizer for your body.

I understand that even though we’ll be in the midst of catastrophe, you still may be trying to cultivate a fantasy romance and find a mate. Even so, you may really want to consider cutting longer locks into a bob. The tangles will be narly, bugs may take up residence and it will just be a lot cleaner. If that’s not an option (I get it, no romantic apocalypse will make me cut mine!) then you’ll want lots of ponytail holders so that you can braid it and get it out of your face.

Nails… I hate to break it to you, but you’ll have to cut those babies all the way down. You’ll need a pair of clipper and a nail file and that’s it. It’s not even remotely realistic to think that we’ll be able to have pretty nails. Well-kempt is the best we can hope for. Think about all the fantasy and adventure books you’ve read so far—do you remember any of the protagonists talk about being able to shower and wash their hair? Right, I didn’t think so.


Making it a fantasy romance again

October 21, 2011 in Apocalypse World

After dating and mating for awhile, you find the perfect mate and are suddenly immersed in the perfect young adult fantasy romance. It’s heaven for a bit, but then the honeymoon period ends and that adventure romance hits a little bump in the road. How do you improve the relationship and avoid a romantic apocalypse?

Even the most amazing fantasy romance and love stories from Harlequin romance novels hit rough patches. The good news is, it doesn’t mean you have to start your quest to find a mate again. The relationship just needs a little more fantasy romance in the form of fun and spontaneity. Dating and mating successfully is a work-in-progress. Eden Newman forwarded this awesome question and asked us to share some tips for keeping your adventure romance intact so you don’t have to start browsing online dating profiles again.

Be present
With all that we have going on in our lives, coupled with the population’s addiction to technology that keeps us constantly connected, it can be difficult to be present in the moment. Take time every day, with some extended blocks of time during nights and weekends, to disconnect from everything else and give your young adult romance a little quality time. Block out some time that is just for your relationship and nothing else—turn off all your phones, computers, iPads, etc. and just listen to your partner and really connect. Your perfect mate needs to know you are really there and present for them, and they will be able to tell the difference when you’re multitasking, even if it’s subconsciously.

Laughter is key to keeping that young adult fantasy romance alive and healthy. Do something together that makes you laugh, whether it’s going to a funny movie or something silly like playing video games at the arcade—just anything that you both think is hilarious.

Get out of your comfort zone
Another way to boost your fantasy romance is to do things that gets you both out of your comfort zone. When you find a mate, it’s easy to fall into a routine that may lead to a rut. Consciously plan to do things you’ve both never done, whether as daring as skydiving or bungee jumping to simply trying a new type of food. On the Save the Pearls website, your profile asks for the top five things on your bucket list, and those items actually improve the appeal of many online dating profiles.  Tackle items like that if you’re feeling ambitious! Either way, trying something new or daring makes you grow individually and is bonding. Even the characters in harlequin romance novels are usually forced to get out of their comfort zone, and the result is usually an unforgettable young adult romance.

Dedicate time for dates
Make sure you have time that is sacred and uninterruptable for your relationship. Schedule date nights and leave your phone in the car during dinner. Set aside a few time periods per week that you won’t sacrifice for anything else. Even Eden Newman has to put aside her campaign to save the pearls so she can cultivate her young adult fantasy relationship.

Focus on the good

The best way to avoid a romantic apocalypse is to focus on its polar opposite: the good in life. Take time remember and appreciate what you love about your partner—and let them know exactly what you’re thinking. Focus on what is really making you happy in your life and talk about it and try to manifest more of it. For example, if your relationship is troubled by the type of issues that often accompany interracial relationships, instead of dwelling on those aspects, focus on what you both have in common and enjoy. When Eden was navigating her own interracial dating experience, she focused only on what attracted her to her partner, not what the rest of her world was thinking. No matter what, don’t blame your partner for the imperfections in your life and relationship.

by eden

I can do it all, right?

October 20, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I decided to name my book is going to be Save the Pearls Part One REVEALING EDEN. It’s almost done, but there’s more to tell, so it’s going to be a two part series. Even though I’m so excited about this fantasy romance I think I’ve found, I am still as determined as ever to continue my quest to Save the Pearls. I never thought I’d really find a mate, especially the perfect mate—but now I think that there may actually still love in this world. I hope that by getting my story down on paper, I’ll be able to help others in time to avoid the whole romantic apocalypse thing we’ve been hearing about since birth. So I am writing every minute of the day that I’m not at work or stealing away to spend time with Jamal. I will not let this adventure romance sidetrack my writing—I can do it all!

by eden

Is this really happening?

October 18, 2011 in Eden's Posts

It’s moving really fast with Jamal. He’s saying things that are kind of freaking me out—that he’s never met anyone like me or felt this way before. After being closed off to adventure romance for so long and thinking of it just as a survival tool, it’s amazing to have someone be so into me—let alone someone who is such a catch! It’s almost scary, I can’t even believe this is happening. I may just avoid my romantic apocalypse after all! When people would tell me stories about how they found their young adult fantasy romance, I would secretly balk at them. Now I know it exists, even for a Pearl. Hopefully, this will be the end of my dating and mating journey and the beginning of life with my perfect mate. Perhaps the young adult fantasy really does exist…

by eden

Haters everywhere

October 13, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Jamal’s been texting my sexy little messages. I love this feeling… it’s so much fun. I think it’s that honeymoon phase they say happens at the start of a young adult fantasy romance. It makes me so much more in to it. I am loving this part of dating and mating! Of course, girls at work are straight hating on me right now. They’re absolutely seething about my adventure romance. I actually heard one of them say, “Can you believe anyone’s even looking at Eden Newman? Especially him?” Coal girls can be so rude sometimes. I swear, one of them even bumped into me purposely when I was in the bathroom. I even heard them whispering about interracial relationships while they looked over at me. What’s up ladies? Are we 12? Everyone knows that haters are just confused fans! It doesn’t matter anyway, I couldn’t care less about what they think or say about me. They’re not getting texts from Jamal, and everyone has a thing for him. How could they not? They won’t be getting in the way of my fantasy romance. Strap in, friends, I feel a whirlwind coming on.

Fun With Flirting

October 12, 2011 in Apocalypse World

When you’re dating and mating, you know you’re on the way to find a mate once you’ve mastered the art of flirting. Whether you’re the same age as Eden Newman (not yet 18) or a successfully mated senior, creating the adventure romance of a lifetime is always a work-in-progress, and we can always continue to refine our flirting skills. It’s key to the success of your young adult fantasy romance and avoiding a romantic apocalypse. Even if you’ve been with your perfect mate for years, a little flirtation keeps the spark of a fantasy romance alive.

Yes, eye contact is instrumental to attract a young adult romance—how many ideas for young adult fantasy movies and Harlequin romance novels were sparked by a longing glance across the room? Yet making that young adult fantasy romance last a lifetime depends more on your dating and mating techniques. After all, we wouldn’t need the Save the Pearls website if everyone already knew how to find a mate and keep them!

Flirting is actually good for you—it mproves your overall wellness. Flirting your way to that fantasy romance boosts endorphins and your immune system! Studies show that people who flirt regularly have higher white blood-cell counts than those who don’t. Having a little adventure romance in your life can help you live longer—and save your life if you’re a Pearl. Even setting up online dating profiles and flirting online can make you happier and healthier.

Bonding in interracial relationships starts with flirting and gaining a common ground together. Flirting transcends cultures borders—two women living in different corners of the world may have nothing in common, except when it comes to attracting attention. They both bat their eyelashes, smile coyly, avert their eyes, and even flip their hair! It’s as if we all have an innate knowledge of how to create a fantasy romance and attract the perfect mate.

Flirting and infusing the young adult fantasy relationship isn’t limited to workplaces, social gatherings or browsing online dating profiles. Some people flirt while driving in traffic! If you’re trying to avoid a romantic apocalypse, you should probably make the most out of every moment of your day. You can also send flirty messages via text or be old school and send notes—many of the romances in Harlequin romance novels began with a simple note.

Keep safety in mind. Sometimes men may misunderstand a woman’s message or mistake routine behavior for flirting. This is also important in interracial dating situations—different cultures and races may communicate differently from each other. These differences must be respected, especially if those involved are searching for serious interracial relationships.

Keep visiting our site to keep track of Eden Newman and her Save the Pearls campaign, as well as her journey of interracial dating and finding young adult romance.

by eden

Her romantic apocalypse = my young adult fantasy romance

September 30, 2011 in Eden's Posts, Fantasy romance

I’m super excited—the boy I’m crushing on slipped a note on my desk today. I saw him do it when I was coming back from my break. Looks like he wants to get some one-on-one time in this weekend. I have no idea what he’s got in store or if he’s just toying with me, but I honestly, my gut tells me it’s going to be rad!! Perhaps it’s my own young adult fantasy romance in the making! I’d just about given up on that ever happening, but maybe this is it. Maybe he’s the one who will save me from my doomed fate. I won’t have to worry about finding a mate through Save the Pearls and I’ll actually experience what my mother always told me about—true love. I never believe it truly existed in this apocalypse world

My co-worker is sooo jealous and keeps trying to ruin my game. I saw her trying to flirt with him earlier today, when I was coming in to work, but he wasn’t even making eye contact with her. Funny, because she’s a Coal just like him, so you’d think he’d be all over that. Just goes to show that he’s not scared of interracial dating at all. Looks like her romantic apocalypse = my young adult fantasy romance.

Not that I don’t want everyone to find their perfect mate–I want everyone to avoid a romantic apocalypse! But she never lets me forget I’m a just a Pearl. She’s mean and conniving and always has something horrible to say. Sometimes I truly think she’s evil. Anyways—she’s whatever and now I’m wondering what this weekend has in store. Time for a mani-pedi and some relaxation time, maybe I’ll read a YA novel or young adult fantasy romance book and put my feet up for a minute.

This Save the Pearls stuff can be a little exhausting.

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