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by eden

Waiting, waiting… and mating

July 27, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Things have been quiet lately. Still no word about the missing sisters, and no one’s talking about it now. Because they’re all afraid, of course. So I’m focusing my attention on my ever-plummeting mate rate. I’m thinking maybe if I beef up my special skills, lol, that will help my situation. Any ideas? Maybe some aerial yoga or trapeze classes would help the situation. Or maybe if I learned like two different languages. Not that I have enough time to do that—I only have about six months left. Are cooking skills especially appealing to guys? From what I’ve seen, it seems like it’s all about attractiveness. Ugh, this is so frustrating.

by eden

It’s Hard to Keep My Chin Up

July 20, 2011 in Eden's Posts

While I’ve been waiting to hear more news on the missing sisters, I’m just completely obsessing on my mate rate. It’s so low and my time is ticking… I don’t know what I can do to make my chances of mating better. It all just seems so clinical. Plus, it’s really hard to have a good attitude about it. Like what can I do if I already am considered ugly by pretty much everyone else on the planet?  I can’t change my race, not matter how hard I’ve tried or how much Midnight Luster I apply. It truly seems hopeless. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.  If I could only get my mind off of it for a little…

by eden

Just Keeping You Posted

July 14, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Nothing new yet, though I’ve gotten word from a co-worker of the sisters who disappeared. She thinks she can get a hold of the video message. As soon as she does, I will post it here.

In the meantime, I’m still trying to be positive about finding a mate, though I feel kinda doomed. It’s hard when people judge you only by the color of your skin. I honestly think I have the lowest mate-rate that I’ve seen so far, so I just don’t know how I am going to overcome this to find the one. Well, actually, forget about the one, I just need to find someone who will mate with me and hope that he’s actually decent.

by eden

How to avoid the Heat

July 11, 2011 in Eden's Posts, Pearl News

Here are a few basic guidelines on how to avoid The Heat. If you learn of any others, please email me so I can add them to this list.

1. Pretty obvious one: STAY INDOORS
2. Apply a second coat of Midnight Luster at the start of your day
3. Keep physical activity at a minimum
4. If you engage in any sort of physical activity, re-apply Midnight Luster
5. Do not make physical contact with anyone who has The Heat

by eden

Pearl Girl

July 7, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Heard that a Pearl girl almost made it out. That’s what they’re calling her—Pearl Girl. But as soon as she got away, she got the Heat. She supposedly sent a video message back to her sister in the Combs, but when her sister received it, the Uni-Gov took her and the tape into custody. People are whispering because now both the sisters are missing. The thing is, one was 16 and the other was 17. They didn’t have much time left anyway.

by eden

Rumors Everywhere

July 6, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Rumors everywhere. I’m trying to research what is fact and what is fiction, but it’s hard to know unless there are photos or video to back up people’s claims. The thing is, if they find any photos or video, they will obviously destroy them, but who knows what the punishment is for having that kind of contraband. I will do my best to find something real and valid, and will post it as soon as I do. Stay tuned and please email me if you hear, see or know of anything.

by eden

Getting Started

June 22, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I have just gotten started… I will have more info for you soon.

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