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by eden

How Valentine’s Day killed the fantasy romance

February 14, 2012 in Fantasy romance, Romance fantasy novels

I’m kind of hating Valentine’s Day right now. Here I am, forced to find a mate, and there’s this holiday that’s looming over my head, reminding me that my fantasy romance is basically non-existent. It’s impossible to be reminded of it on just the day of either—it’s a full-fledged marketing and advertising attack that goes on for weeks and weeks. The stores stock up on Valentine’s candy, cards and gifts like the minute Christmas is over. Just think, in less than a year we could be immersed in a post apocalypse world where people won’t even remember what this silly holiday was about.

For some people, Valentine’s day is synonymous with fantasy and adventure. For others, it’s a source of anxiety—filled with reminders of being dumped on it, memories of being single on this “day of love,” and a whole set of expectations for those who have found a mate. While it seems that for those who are engaged in a fantasy romance this should be an amazing day, it actually can really cause problems and issues that are not always easy to overcome.

If you avoided a romantic apocalypse and are in a new relationship, you’re probably expecting big things on this day—and chances are, if you’re female, you’re going to get let down. Males just don’t understand the impact their gifts or attention can or cannot have. If you’ve been together for awhile and it’s not your first Valentine’s Day together, you’re expecting the fantasy and adventure that your “better half” brings to surpass the year before by leaps and bounds. Worse yet, what if your mate completely forgets or has to work?

If you are still single and haven’t experienced success with relationships or a fantasy romance despite searching high and low on the Save the Pearls site, then you have an entirely different set of issues on your Valentine’s plate. It’s that reminder that tick, tick tock, if you don’t have a mate, you’ve sealed your fate. You may act out by going out for a night on the town, drinking Jack Daniels and waking up somewhere you really shouldn’t be. Or you may be tempted to stay in with a bottle of wine and a quart of ice cream, determined to finish them both before the night is over. Worst of all, you may be tempted to drunk dial an ex. Talk about a romantic apocalypse in the making.

Whether or not I get some huge display of affection from Jamal, I’m going to take it with a grain of salt. No one should tell us when we should show our love, or if we should feel good or bad about our status; we already have enough pressure to deal with in life. I’m going to look at this so-called holiday as just another checkmark on the checklist of life.



by eden

Beauty tips for an Apocalypse World Part 1—Hair and Nails

December 9, 2011 in Eden's Posts

So many people wrote me about my wardrobe tips for an apocalypse world that I felt compelled to create a guide filled with beauty tips. I mean, we can’t just let ourselves go in the midst of dystopia—if we do, we’re sure to lose any chance of a fantasy romance. I mean, dudes out there are searching for the perfect girl, not the perfect Chewbacca! Speaking of hairy creatures, I know a lot of you are wondering, whatever will we do with our crowning glory?

We all know that when our hair looks good, we feel good. Our mane has the power to inspire fantasy and adventure and unlock our self-confidence from the depths of wherever. The products and styling time that go into it our locks are greater than any other part of getting ready, even for those with short hair. In the apocalypse world, we’ll have little time and not be able to waste any power on luxuries like a blow dryer or flatiron—a complete travesty for those who are still trying to find a mate. If you’re not down to chop it all off, I suggest getting a stockpile of baby powder to double as dry shampoo and as deodorizer for your body.

I understand that even though we’ll be in the midst of catastrophe, you still may be trying to cultivate a fantasy romance and find a mate. Even so, you may really want to consider cutting longer locks into a bob. The tangles will be narly, bugs may take up residence and it will just be a lot cleaner. If that’s not an option (I get it, no romantic apocalypse will make me cut mine!) then you’ll want lots of ponytail holders so that you can braid it and get it out of your face.

Nails… I hate to break it to you, but you’ll have to cut those babies all the way down. You’ll need a pair of clipper and a nail file and that’s it. It’s not even remotely realistic to think that we’ll be able to have pretty nails. Well-kempt is the best we can hope for. Think about all the fantasy and adventure books you’ve read so far—do you remember any of the protagonists talk about being able to shower and wash their hair? Right, I didn’t think so.


He loves me, he loves me not

September 27, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Here is a dating and mating question from a friend of Eden Newman. In her quest to save the pearls and find a mate so she can experience a young adult fantasy romance, Eden’s met many other girls who are also looking for their perfect mate.

“My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year and he still hasn’t said he loves me. When we first met, he told me that he doesn’t think he’s a capable of love but he that he was trying to find a mate. Should I ask him directly if he loves me yet? If I’m not his perfect mate, I want to know that so I can move on and start dating and mating.”–Forever waiting for the L-Word

Ouch, that sounds less like a young adult fantasy than a romantic apocalypse. When a man tells you something about himself, it’s best to believe what he says. While in Harlequin romance novels or young adult romance books, sometimes the heroine has to endure a struggle to convince the man she loves that he loves her too, this is real life, not a fantasy romance.

By staying with him, you’re telling your boyfriend that you’re okay with being in this young adult romance, even if he doesn’t love you. Regardless of how happy you are with him, you need to talk to him about his feelings. If he still doesn’t love you or believe in love, you’re just wasting your time, when you could be browsing online dating profiles and finding your own fantasy romance. Avoid your own romantic apocalypse and seek what you deserve: a young adult fantasy romance.

Eden Newman recently shared how she was willing to wait for the real deal, an adventure romance like the kind she used to read about in Harlequin romance novels. Whether you seek interracial relationships or are trying to help save the pearls, visit to learn more about the cause and what young adult fantasy is really about. Set up your online dating profiles and start that journey towards your own adventure romance.

by eden

Make him chase you…

September 22, 2011 in Eden's Posts

So we’ve been flirting—yes, me and the one. He’s so like subtly sexy, I can’t stand it. He came up to me while I was filing a report and asked a question, but I couldn’t hear a thing. It’s like my senses blended all together. His arm brushed mine and it was straight electricity! I know I must be sounding like one of those old school Harlequin romance novels or young adult fantasy romance books, but whatever! I know what I feel, and it’s the first time I’ve ever had a feeling like that about someone. I wonder if he feels it for me too? I know the whole interracial dating thing might be an obstacle for him, but how could anyone ever resist this? I will play my cards right, even though I don’t have much time. What is it I read in one of those young adult romance advice columns—make him chase you?

by eden

Getting it on paper

September 14, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Things have been quiet lately, but still I feel my romantic apocalypse on my heels. It’s like that feeling you get when you walk into a room and everyone just stops and stares at you in complete silence. It’s quiet, but you know they’re all thinking something—and it’s probably not good. Like everyone I pass knows I’m about to expire. If I don’t find the perfect mate and get that fantasy romance going, then Eden Newman is a thing of the past. The government will secretly come in and take me away. I wonder what they’ll do with my dog? Anyway, I’ve decided to take these last few months and put my story down on paper. The time has come for Revealing Eden. I’m going to get my story out there so that it can maybe help others. I don’t want my life to be a total waste, you know? So I’m working day and night to get it all down—and I mean everything. I’m not hiding a thing. I don’t care what the government does to me if they find out. My clock is ticking anyway, right?

Creating Powerful Attraction

August 24, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Trying to find a mate?? Dreaming of adventure romance and the kind of love that Harlequin romance novels are made of? Look no further, because this new blog is a permanent part of the Save the Pearls website and will have all sorts of relationship advice to help you create the young adult romance you’re looking for.

When it comes to dating and mating with the goal of creating a long-lasting relationship, it takes more than just chemistry or good looks. The most integral element at the heart of every great relationship, whether we’re talking about same sex, heterosexual or interracial relationships, is to instill a powerful, enduring attraction—the old school Fred and Ginger type, where you seem so connected and always complement each other yet never step on each other’s feet. The synergistic connection that lets you know you’ve found the perfect mate.

Your perfect young adult fantasy romance is really a dance between two people based on silent signals that either work together to build lasting attraction or foreshadow a romantic apocalypse, aka breakup. Below are some powerful tips for building a deep, long lasting attraction that is the essential building block of your own young adult fantasy romance.

Be passionate about your own life
When you’re looking for the perfect mate, physical attraction is just a bonus, the icing on the cake. More importantly, you need to know what you want for yourself, what you like and what you want to do with your life… and pursue all of it. Your goals and causes will make you feel excited about your life, and as a result, make you more attractive in general, but most importantly, to the right person for you. For example, Eden Newman has dedicated herself to the Save the Pearls cause. She doesn’t know it yet, but she is so attractive because of it and we all know she will find the young adult romance she’s searching for—you know the kind, the ones they write about in young adult romance novels.

Once you immerse yourself in a quest to fulfill your passions, you will organically send signals to the opposite sex and your attractiveness will just grow.

Bring it
One of the most important things you need to do to have your own adventure romance is to bring the fun! Having fun together is a powerful binding tool and an important element in finding a mate—not just any mate, but the one that is right for you. When you do things you both like, it gives you a chance to learn about your compatibility, and when you share each other’s favorite things to do, you get a chance to be creative together, laugh and create memories. If you’re into interracial dating or are attracted from those from other countries and cultures, the chances of learning new, exciting things is great, and you are certain to develop a strong bond when you enjoy sharing new things together.

Whether you like to surf, ride bikes, play golf or go to movies, engaging in any type of fun activities together strengthens attraction and makes it grow more powerful.

Be open

When you’re dating and mating, whether in person or by browsing online dating profiles, you’ve got to learn to open up to the person you like. Sharing how you feel and what you’re looking for is key to the success of your young adult fantasy. This will help you to develop mutual trust and show that you’re comfortable in your own skin. It will also eliminate game-playing and make both individuals feel both safe and excited about spending time together.

Stay tuned to all the killer relationship advice we’ll dispense on this blog every week. We want you all to find the fantasy romance you’re looking for and be able to sustain life-changing, lasting relationships. Browse the online dating profiles at to find a mate, learn about interracial relationships and more, and watch Eden Newman manifest her own young adult fantasy and overcome the prospect of a romantic apocalypse. Next week, we will share some tips for successful interracial dating. Good luck!

by eden

Be realistic

August 18, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Okay, today, the boy I’ve been vibing made it clear that he’s vibing me back. Our eye contact was insane—it felt like he was seeing right into my mind, like he could read every thought I had. I felt almost… naked. He is so hot! We talked for a few minutes in the hallway, when no one else was around (of course). A coal can’t be seen talking to someone like me… like that. He was just inches away from my face, and I could tell he was feeling it. I’m trying to stay open to others and to just focus on the Save the Pearls campaign and not think I’m the main character in some adventure romance novel (my father always says, “Eden Newman, you’re not the star of some young adult fantasy romance. Be realistic). I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, either—interracial dating and mating is seriously frowned upon. But It’s hard to stay grounded in reality, when I’m certain this guy’s vibing me too. xox Eden Newman

by eden

Reading the signs…

August 17, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Remember I mentioned that I may have met someone? Well, I’m actually getting really excited because I’m pretty sure he likes me too. He’s gone out of his way to pass by my desk, and we’ve caught eyes several times. In fact, I caught him looking at me, or watching me, actually, from across the room earlier today. I can’t stop thinking about him, and when I see him, I like feel it in my stomach and my heart starts beating sooo fast. And yesterday, I swear it felt like he touched a little bit of my hair when he passed by. I know my hair’s nothing like what he’s used to—beautiful coal hair—but it felt like he took a deep breath as his hand grazed it. Like he was inhaling it. I can’t be looking too much into this, can I? I thought you’re supposed to listen to the signs and how you feel when you see someone. At least, that’s what the few who actually still believe in love think…

by eden

Greedy coals everywhere

August 10, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Today at work, I heard some coals talking about their vacations. They were actually complaining that they could only take two weeks this year. Are they out of their minds? Do they not realize how lucky there are? Pearls don’t even get a full weekend, let alone a vacation. Being the low man on the totem pole has literally zero benefits. It seems that the more people have, the more they want. Whatever! I’ve got work to do anyway. Lots of important work. I’ve got to find my perfect mate, tackle the romantic apocalypse and save the pearls, pretty much at the same time. So let them take their little vacations. I’m sure they’ll be whining the entire time, while I find the adventure romance of a lifetime.

by eden

Waiting, waiting… and mating

July 27, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Things have been quiet lately. Still no word about the missing sisters, and no one’s talking about it now. Because they’re all afraid, of course. So I’m focusing my attention on my ever-plummeting mate rate. I’m thinking maybe if I beef up my special skills, lol, that will help my situation. Any ideas? Maybe some aerial yoga or trapeze classes would help the situation. Or maybe if I learned like two different languages. Not that I have enough time to do that—I only have about six months left. Are cooking skills especially appealing to guys? From what I’ve seen, it seems like it’s all about attractiveness. Ugh, this is so frustrating.

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