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by eden

A girl can dream, can’t she?

August 4, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Okay, so I think I may have met someone who would be my perfect mate—or like they said back in the day, “the one.” The thing is, he’s from a totally different class than I am, and he’s never seen me without my coating. He told me I’m beautiful, but I am not sure if he really meant it. I know how guys can be, especially when they’re from a higher class (which is everyone but me!). But I swear I felt a spark, and it had to be mutual. You can tell when the chemistry is real… can’t you? It’s not something you can fake.

I’m going to try to not get too excited and just chill for the moment, but it’s pretty difficult when my young adult fantasy romance seems so within reach. I can dream, can’t I??

by eden

Waiting, waiting… and mating

July 27, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Things have been quiet lately. Still no word about the missing sisters, and no one’s talking about it now. Because they’re all afraid, of course. So I’m focusing my attention on my ever-plummeting mate rate. I’m thinking maybe if I beef up my special skills, lol, that will help my situation. Any ideas? Maybe some aerial yoga or trapeze classes would help the situation. Or maybe if I learned like two different languages. Not that I have enough time to do that—I only have about six months left. Are cooking skills especially appealing to guys? From what I’ve seen, it seems like it’s all about attractiveness. Ugh, this is so frustrating.

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