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Fun With Flirting

October 12, 2011 in Apocalypse World

When you’re dating and mating, you know you’re on the way to find a mate once you’ve mastered the art of flirting. Whether you’re the same age as Eden Newman (not yet 18) or a successfully mated senior, creating the adventure romance of a lifetime is always a work-in-progress, and we can always continue to refine our flirting skills. It’s key to the success of your young adult fantasy romance and avoiding a romantic apocalypse. Even if you’ve been with your perfect mate for years, a little flirtation keeps the spark of a fantasy romance alive.

Yes, eye contact is instrumental to attract a young adult romance—how many ideas for young adult fantasy movies and Harlequin romance novels were sparked by a longing glance across the room? Yet making that young adult fantasy romance last a lifetime depends more on your dating and mating techniques. After all, we wouldn’t need the Save the Pearls website if everyone already knew how to find a mate and keep them!

Flirting is actually good for you—it mproves your overall wellness. Flirting your way to that fantasy romance boosts endorphins and your immune system! Studies show that people who flirt regularly have higher white blood-cell counts than those who don’t. Having a little adventure romance in your life can help you live longer—and save your life if you’re a Pearl. Even setting up online dating profiles and flirting online can make you happier and healthier.

Bonding in interracial relationships starts with flirting and gaining a common ground together. Flirting transcends cultures borders—two women living in different corners of the world may have nothing in common, except when it comes to attracting attention. They both bat their eyelashes, smile coyly, avert their eyes, and even flip their hair! It’s as if we all have an innate knowledge of how to create a fantasy romance and attract the perfect mate.

Flirting and infusing the young adult fantasy relationship isn’t limited to workplaces, social gatherings or browsing online dating profiles. Some people flirt while driving in traffic! If you’re trying to avoid a romantic apocalypse, you should probably make the most out of every moment of your day. You can also send flirty messages via text or be old school and send notes—many of the romances in Harlequin romance novels began with a simple note.

Keep safety in mind. Sometimes men may misunderstand a woman’s message or mistake routine behavior for flirting. This is also important in interracial dating situations—different cultures and races may communicate differently from each other. These differences must be respected, especially if those involved are searching for serious interracial relationships.

Keep visiting our site to keep track of Eden Newman and her Save the Pearls campaign, as well as her journey of interracial dating and finding young adult romance.

Avoiding a romantic apocalypse–how to chill out a nightmare date

October 7, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Have you ever had a date you expected to be a young adult fantasy turn into a session of uptight silence or a nerve wracking romantic apocalypse? When you try to find a mate, you may browse online dating profiles, chat and talk on the phone. Despite great rapport during initial communication, a potential night of young adult fantasy romance can turn into one filled with awkward moments. It’s too bad that Harlequin romance novels don’t come with instructions!

In this type of dating and mating situation, you can either make an excuse to go home early or make some moves that can turn the date into the adventure romance you’re looking for. Since you don’t want to let a little nervousness blind you from a potentially perfect mate, it’s best to try to make the best of the evening—after all, you never know what can happen!

When the tension is almost palpable,  use some humor to lighten things up and acknowledge the awkwardness by making a joke about the silence. This shows your date that you can relate and puts you both at ease, setting up the potential for a young adult romance.

Another technique is to ask questions and sincerely listen to the responses of your potentially perfect mate. When you’re dating and mating and uncertain of someone’s interest, it can be unsettling. By showing genuine attention, your date will feel comfortable to let down their guard and be open to an adventure romance. We’re talking real interest—you can see it in a person’s expression when they fake it. Make eye contact, laugh when appropriate and encourage your date by interjecting positively from time to time. The results will be almost immediate and turn you right back around from the edge of a romantic apocalypse. If they’re very passionate about their work or perhaps a cause they’re involved with like Eden Newman and her quest to Save the Pearls, ask lots of questions and show sincere enthusiasm.

When a date deflects questions and is too nervous to talk, lighten things up and give the night an element of fantasy romance by talking about yourself. Tell your date about your day or what’s going on at work—though you probably want to leave out any mention of looking at online dating profiles or reading harlequin romance novels, lol. If you appear to be having fun, your date will feel less pressure to entertain you and eventually relax so you can engage them to talk about themselves.

You can also share an embarrassing story or confession with your date. Sometimes a little self-deprecation and willingness to show your humanity lightens the mood and puts you back on the road towards a young adult fantasy romance. The ability to laugh at yourself shows that you’re not perfect and will show someone who’s also trying to find a mate or a young adult romance that you’re fun and easy to get along with. When Eden Newman was on her quest to save the pearls and find a fantasy romance, she would tell the story of how she fell off her skateboard on her first day at the new job. It demonstrated to her dates that she was funny, lighthearted and a potential candidate for a young adult fantasy relationship.

The Secret Relationship—Adventure Romance or Bad Idea?

October 5, 2011 in Apocalypse World

On your quest for that perfect young adult romance, have you ever found yourself immersed in a secret relationship? A covert type of adventure romance that was thrilling and exciting, but mostly because you kept this fantasy romance under wraps?

In the search for your perfect mate, you may find yourself dating and mating with someone you want to keep a secret. Your could be interracial dating situation but your family doesn’t approve of interracial relationships. Maybe you thought you found a young adult fantasy romance with a coworker, but didn’t want your gossipy colleagues to know, or there was a policy against workplace dating. Perhaps you’re in an undercover relationship with someone you know is not your perfect mate, so you set up online dating profiles to keep your options open. There are many reasons stealth relationships can occur, but while secrecy can give them elements of young adult fantasy and allure, there can be plenty of consequences as well.

Studies have shown that secret relationships were associated with less commitment. Those involved tend to not think of each other as partners, which limits the relationship’s feelings of intimacy and connection—sounds like the makings of a romantic apocalypse, rather than the enduring love written about in Harlequin romance novels. When you’re trying to find a mate or create the young adult fantasy romance of your dreams, it’s best to come from an honest place and not have to lie to the others in your life. An adventure romance is about having fun while you’re dating and mating, not feeling bad about being dishonest all the time.

Eden Newman found herself in stealth situation before—she was secretly dating a coal who didn’t want his family to know he was interracial dating. While she was fine with interracial relationships, he was not, and this led to much fighting, embarrassing moments where she had to hide, and ultimately led to a full-on romantic apocalypse, not the young adult romance she was seeking. This is partly why Eden Newman founded the Save the Pearls campaign and encourages others to create online dating profiles to find a mate and a fantasy romance.

Ultimately, if you’re trying for a young adult fantasy relationship, hiding it will most likely undermine its foundation. While secret trysts may be the basis for many Harlequin romance novels, it’s not something we recommend here at Save the Pearls.

by eden

When it rains, it definitely pours…

October 5, 2011 in Eden's Posts

It’s so funny and true about that old cliché saying—when it rains, it pours. Now that Jamal is blatantly vibing me back, all of a sudden others are looking my direction. With the look—the “I’m trying to find a mate” one. Only Pearls, of course, but still. We didn’t get to go out this weekend because he had to cover for someone who just didn’t come to work, so today when I came in, there was a note on my desk! All it said was “Can’t wait for the rain check,” but it was enough to give me that electric feeling again. The anticipation is wildly building up, I feel like I’m going to burst when we finally go out. Then I saw him in the hall and he said, “Our first date is set—Thursday it is.” Wow. I’m counting the hours until I get to begin this adventure romance.

Then I saw this Pearl on my way home, who was actually a hottie, and he stopped and asked what I was doing tonight. I gave him my number. It’s time to diversify. Not putting all my young adult romance eggs in one basket, hahaha. Wow, I’m just full of clichés today. Time to go work on the Save the Pearls campaign!

by eden

Her romantic apocalypse = my young adult fantasy romance

September 30, 2011 in Eden's Posts, Fantasy romance

I’m super excited—the boy I’m crushing on slipped a note on my desk today. I saw him do it when I was coming back from my break. Looks like he wants to get some one-on-one time in this weekend. I have no idea what he’s got in store or if he’s just toying with me, but I honestly, my gut tells me it’s going to be rad!! Perhaps it’s my own young adult fantasy romance in the making! I’d just about given up on that ever happening, but maybe this is it. Maybe he’s the one who will save me from my doomed fate. I won’t have to worry about finding a mate through Save the Pearls and I’ll actually experience what my mother always told me about—true love. I never believe it truly existed in this apocalypse world

My co-worker is sooo jealous and keeps trying to ruin my game. I saw her trying to flirt with him earlier today, when I was coming in to work, but he wasn’t even making eye contact with her. Funny, because she’s a Coal just like him, so you’d think he’d be all over that. Just goes to show that he’s not scared of interracial dating at all. Looks like her romantic apocalypse = my young adult fantasy romance.

Not that I don’t want everyone to find their perfect mate–I want everyone to avoid a romantic apocalypse! But she never lets me forget I’m a just a Pearl. She’s mean and conniving and always has something horrible to say. Sometimes I truly think she’s evil. Anyways—she’s whatever and now I’m wondering what this weekend has in store. Time for a mani-pedi and some relaxation time, maybe I’ll read a YA novel or young adult fantasy romance book and put my feet up for a minute.

This Save the Pearls stuff can be a little exhausting.

Fantasy romance and exclusivity

September 28, 2011 in Apocalypse World

When you’re going through the dating and mating process and trying to find the perfect mate, there may be times when you’re uncertain of your relationship status. In our last post, we discussed ways to determine whether your young adult fantasy romance was on the right track or if you’re headed for a romantic apocalypse. Interesting tidbit: Save the Pearls membership rose immediately after that was posted. Perhaps some of our readers put down the young adult books and Harlequin romance novels to spend some time creating quality online dating profiles.

Here are some other ways to know whether it’s time to move on and find a mate or if you’re on the way to that fantasy romance.

A recent poll found that when men buy women gifts, they were more likely to consider the relationship on a serious level and that they may think they’ve found the perfect mate. When the gift is expensive, it’s an even greater indicator that your young adult romance is not just a passing fling. If gifts are never a part of your interaction, it may be a sign that you’re headed right for a romantic apocalypse.

Doin’ the Wild Thing
While no one in the poll said that sexual intimacy indicated exclusivity, it was considered important in a serious adventure romance. However, men also said they consider sex necessary in a serious relationship; this may be why they view it as a critical aspect of dating and mating.

The Total Package

The most important thing is to look for all of the signs. These behaviors should all be taking place if you want your adventure romance to have lasting power. When you’re trying to find a mate and a fantasy romance, it’s best to discuss exclusivity at some point to confirm this isn’t just a whirlwind experience taken from the stories in Harlequin romance novels. Watching for these signs and taking notice of your date’s behavior will help you feel confident that this is a young adult fantasy relationship and not the road to a romantic apocalypse.

Keep checking our posts to learn more about young adult fantasy romance, interracial dating and online dating profiles, while tuning in to Eden Newman and her quest to Save the Pearls.

by eden

It’s a new moon tonight

September 28, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Tonight’s a new moon. That means new beginnings—and I’ll take that. I finally spent some one-on-one time with my guy today and now I know the attraction is mutual. No question about it. He told me he’s been in interracial relationships before and that race doesn’t matter to him at all. Him saying that makes him even hotter. Now I wonder what’s next—I know for sure that he wants to hang out outside of work, so I guess I have to just wait and see. I’m going to let him make the first move, even though we both know he holds all the cards.

Maybe I will avoid my romantic apocalypse after all.

He loves me, he loves me not

September 27, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Here is a dating and mating question from a friend of Eden Newman. In her quest to save the pearls and find a mate so she can experience a young adult fantasy romance, Eden’s met many other girls who are also looking for their perfect mate.

“My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year and he still hasn’t said he loves me. When we first met, he told me that he doesn’t think he’s a capable of love but he that he was trying to find a mate. Should I ask him directly if he loves me yet? If I’m not his perfect mate, I want to know that so I can move on and start dating and mating.”–Forever waiting for the L-Word

Ouch, that sounds less like a young adult fantasy than a romantic apocalypse. When a man tells you something about himself, it’s best to believe what he says. While in Harlequin romance novels or young adult romance books, sometimes the heroine has to endure a struggle to convince the man she loves that he loves her too, this is real life, not a fantasy romance.

By staying with him, you’re telling your boyfriend that you’re okay with being in this young adult romance, even if he doesn’t love you. Regardless of how happy you are with him, you need to talk to him about his feelings. If he still doesn’t love you or believe in love, you’re just wasting your time, when you could be browsing online dating profiles and finding your own fantasy romance. Avoid your own romantic apocalypse and seek what you deserve: a young adult fantasy romance.

Eden Newman recently shared how she was willing to wait for the real deal, an adventure romance like the kind she used to read about in Harlequin romance novels. Whether you seek interracial relationships or are trying to help save the pearls, visit to learn more about the cause and what young adult fantasy is really about. Set up your online dating profiles and start that journey towards your own adventure romance.

The Exclusivity Factor

September 22, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Since a fundamental part of The Save the Pearls campaign is to help Pearls find the perfect mate and navigate the world of dating and mating, it’s also our mission to provide strategies for creating a successful relationship. Eden Newman had an awesome question for us this week: how do you know if your relationship is exclusive? That’s a question almost everyone faces in their adventure romance, and since we’re not all living in the world of Harlequin romance novels, it takes work to create the young adult romance you’re dreaming of.

After browsing online dating profiles so you can find a mate—the perfect mate, of course, you may date for a period of time and not be sure of your status. Here are some things to look for so that you don’t suddenly find yourself immersed in a romantic apocalypse rather than a young adult fantasy romance.

Getting it together.
After weeks of sorting through online dating profiles and going on dates, you think you’ve found someone cool. Often times, people spend a lot of time interacting online before actually meeting in person—instead make sure you’re going to social activities and events together. Get some quality time in so that you can see if it’s really a fantasy romance in the making.

Getting introduced to the friends.
You can be sure your young adult fantasy romance is headed in the right direction if your date brings you around their friends. It means that they are confident being seen with you if they bring you to parties or their regular hangouts. If their friends knew about you in advance, even better. This factor ranked particularly high with Pearls, but much lower in interracial relationships or those that were in casual, interracial dating situations.

Meeting the Family
One of the most nerve wracking events in any adventure romance is meeting the family. If you’re dating and mating and the one you like introduces you to his family, there’s a good chance they’re taking this seriously. Likewise, a bad interaction with the family can lead to the demise of your young adult romance and place you on the verge of—you guessed it, romantic apocalypse. This factor ranked extremely high with Coals, lower with Pearls, and lowest among interracial relationships. However, it was a major concern for our lovely Eden Newman.

Stylin’ and Profilin’
Has your quest to find a mate been a whirlwind of fantasy romance, the exact stuff of Harlequin romance novels? Do you go out to nice restaurants or are you still meeting up at the club? Do you start the night together or are you just getting a booty call? This isn’t a young adult fantasy novel—it’s reality. Look at how and where you spend your time together and you’ll know whether you’re on the serious track or the friends with benefits path.

Whether you’re interested in interracial dating or learning how to create a young adult fantasy relationship, the Save the Pearls site will give you all the resources you need for this journey.

by eden

Make him chase you…

September 22, 2011 in Eden's Posts

So we’ve been flirting—yes, me and the one. He’s so like subtly sexy, I can’t stand it. He came up to me while I was filing a report and asked a question, but I couldn’t hear a thing. It’s like my senses blended all together. His arm brushed mine and it was straight electricity! I know I must be sounding like one of those old school Harlequin romance novels or young adult fantasy romance books, but whatever! I know what I feel, and it’s the first time I’ve ever had a feeling like that about someone. I wonder if he feels it for me too? I know the whole interracial dating thing might be an obstacle for him, but how could anyone ever resist this? I will play my cards right, even though I don’t have much time. What is it I read in one of those young adult romance advice columns—make him chase you?

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