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by eden

Resolutions— Keeping the Fantasy Romance Alive

December 30, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I’m working on my resolutions, even though 2012 could be my last year here, since I’m a lowly, coming-of-age Pearl. I’ve got two sets of resolutions: the first is focused on keeping my fantasy romance alive—because if I don’t, I’m history.

Become a better listener. Sometimes your mate needs you to just be there and listen, so I’m going to focus on doing that, instead of always trying to come up with a solution. I’ve got enough on my plate with the Save the Pearls campaign, working on my young adult fantasy novels and preparing for 2012—I just need to be there to listen, not solve everything.

Make time for dates. I’m going to come up with new things we can try to do together and make sure that we squeeze one-on-one time in whenever we can get away with it. I’m going to keep the fantasy romance alive by treating every time like it’s a first date—I’ll get dressed up and make sure my Midnight Luster is applied perfectly, make my room looks nice and not talk about the romantic apocalypse with him anymore!

Get myself together. I’m going to get in the best shape possible, which will help me prepare for the instance of an apocalypse world as well. My plan is to study hand-to-hand combat so that I can be as strong as the heroines of all my favorite young adult fantasy novels.

Be appreciative.
Instead of worrying about what I think Jamal’s doing wrong or what he isn’t doing, I plan to show my appreciation for what he does do. I’m going to make sure that I don’t complain and instead give lots of compliments.

Be positive. I’m also going to look at the glass as half full—meaning, I will think positively about my future and forget about the possibility of a romantic apocalypse.


by eden

Fantasy romance—is honesty key?

December 29, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Is honesty crucial for having a successful fantasy romance? People have told me that without it, a relationship is destined to fail. In young adult books, there’s always some sort of repercussion or punishment for not telling the truth. Yet aren’t there some things that can be excluded to save another’s feelings? Aren’t there some small details that you can hide from your partner if they don’t ask? Does your perfect mate really need to know everything—I mean, does Jamal really need to see me apply my Midnight Luster or know that I have to wear three coats of it?

Isn’t keeping the fantasy romance alive more important than your mate knowing every single detail about you? There’s something about mystery that makes someone hotter. I’m beginning to think that while it’s important to be honest about some things, being too open can massacre love. While honesty is literally about telling the truth when asked a question, openness falls under the TMI category (too much information!). Constantly spitting out the truth when no one’s asking can ruin some of the relationship’s fantasy and adventure.

The protagonists in young adult books often end up in successful relationships, though in the beginning they may be hiding a secret. While lying about something can possibly ruin even the strongest fantasy romance, so can offering TMI. It may be good to share all your feelings with your perfect mate, yet will intimacy really be lost if you tell them about all of your exes? There may be some truth to that the old adage, “What you don’t know doesn’t hurt you.” Is it worth it more to keep the fantasy and adventure alive in your relationship or should you tell all? Clearly, one choice sounds more fun than the other. Let me know what you guys think!


Read more about here.

by eden

Will the Winter Solstice bring me fantasy and adventure?

December 22, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I’m excited about the winter solstice. While to some, it’s just the shortest day and longest night of the year, or the first day of winter, for me it’s a time to reflect on the past year and make my goals for 2012. It’s a time to make wishes and lay out a plan to bring them to reality. While my obvious goal is to save the pearls, I also want the next year to bring me all the fantasy and adventure possible—for as long as I’m still here anyway.

The days getting longer represents a message of hope—before long, the end of the cold, darkest season will be here. Instead of thinking about the impending romantic apocalypse, you can start hoping and planning for dreams to come true. It’s a time to hibernate, but not in a depressive way—instead, it’s a time to go inward and reflect.

The darkness comes and it goes—over the next few days, I’m going to think about everything that I really want and see how I can make it all happen. While my obvious priority is to save the pearls, there are other things I am dreaming of—but it would all be turned upside down if we find ourselves in an apocalypse world. In the next few days, I am going to state my goals, rest and re-energize myself for the coming months and year. I’m going to follow pagan footsteps and meditate on how I will bring fantasy and adventure into my life in a good way. While my overall theme is to avoid a romantic apocalypse, I am going to reach even higher. What will you wish for this solstice?

If you’re wishing for love and are wondering if it really exists, check out this blog post on fantasy romance.


by eden

Fantasy romance… does it really exist?

December 15, 2011 in Eden's Posts

This whole fantasy romance thing with Jamal has been like a roller coaster lately. I’m not really sure how much I can trust him. He’s been acting very moody and seems more interested in what my dad’s doing than I am. Instead of asking how my day was, he always asks how my dad’s experiment to save the pearls is going. It’s super annoying. Plus, I saw him talking to my evil coworker when he thought I wasn’t around—and it seemed like they were flirting. Hmmm.

I’m in such a difficult spot right now. I need to find a mate before my 18th birthday, because if I don’t, we all know what happens—I’m a goner. Unless, of course, the whole experiment to save the pearls works. It’s hard for me to put all my eggs in that basket, though, even though my dad’s the one conducting the experiment. I’ve been trying to have faith that this whole fantasy romance thing with Jamal is going to work, but now I’m getting nervous. Like I said, I’m not sure I can trust him, and isn’t that a crucial element of a relationship? This is my first real one, so all I have to go by is what I’ve read about love in young adult books. The chemistry and attraction is there, but is that really enough to motivate him to mate with me?

A part of me feels like I should just get back out there and try to find a mate fast. Yet the other part of me, the one ruled by my heart, tells me I should just believe and go with this thing I have with Jamal. But in this day and age, does fantasy romance really exist? Or is just a myth, a thing of the past, a fictional dream ingrained in our heads from reading too many romance novels and young adult books? What do you guys think?


by eden

PEARL-y whites in an Apocalypse World

December 13, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I feel like I’m on a roll with my girl’s guide to the apocalypse, lol. So this week, let’s think about what to do about our pearly whites when we find ourselves in the midst of an apocalypse world—seeing as they’re pretty important. I mean, I don’t think we’ll have blenders and smoothies at our disposal, so we probably want to keep as many as we can.

In science fiction and fantasy books, we never see anyone caring for their choppers, so I’m winging this one—with a little help from my dentist. First off, he always tells me, “Only floss the teeth you want to keep.” Soooo, load up on the floss! I’m talking stockpile. The containers are so small, it shouldn’t be too difficult to have floss on hand at all times.

If you’re trying to find or cultivate an adventure romance, you’ll definitely want to prioritize toothbrushes and toothpaste in your survival kit. Yet that stuff can only last so long, so my dentist gave me a few ideas for when we run out. I’ll warn you, his ideas are not pretty and actually make me think romantic apocalypse, but here goes… while swilling your saliva around and licking your teeth can help prevent tartar build-up, you need something much more abrasive. A powdered pumice stone can be helpful, and plant sap is a great, albeit not as refreshing, substitute for toothpaste.

A reusable piece of fine string can be a great for flossing. The most important thing is to remove food particles from your teeth after eating to reduce bacteria. Be gentle—this is an area where you may want to dedicate a little time, so you don’t damage whatever teeth you do have left. Kissing someone with a virtual meal left in their mouth sounds like a direct path to a romantic apocalypse to me.

In all the science fiction and fantasy films I’ve watched, everyone looks perfect. Clearly, there are no standard guidelines for this, so send me any ideas you have! For now, it’s probably best to get your teeth professionally cleaned as often as recommended and get your dentist check-ups in. The better we take care of our teeth now, the better our chance of keeping some of them later—and the more teeth we have later, the greater our chances for maintaining an adventure romance. Wow, this does not sound fun!!


by eden

Beauty tips for an Apocalypse World Part 1—Hair and Nails

December 9, 2011 in Eden's Posts

So many people wrote me about my wardrobe tips for an apocalypse world that I felt compelled to create a guide filled with beauty tips. I mean, we can’t just let ourselves go in the midst of dystopia—if we do, we’re sure to lose any chance of a fantasy romance. I mean, dudes out there are searching for the perfect girl, not the perfect Chewbacca! Speaking of hairy creatures, I know a lot of you are wondering, whatever will we do with our crowning glory?

We all know that when our hair looks good, we feel good. Our mane has the power to inspire fantasy and adventure and unlock our self-confidence from the depths of wherever. The products and styling time that go into it our locks are greater than any other part of getting ready, even for those with short hair. In the apocalypse world, we’ll have little time and not be able to waste any power on luxuries like a blow dryer or flatiron—a complete travesty for those who are still trying to find a mate. If you’re not down to chop it all off, I suggest getting a stockpile of baby powder to double as dry shampoo and as deodorizer for your body.

I understand that even though we’ll be in the midst of catastrophe, you still may be trying to cultivate a fantasy romance and find a mate. Even so, you may really want to consider cutting longer locks into a bob. The tangles will be narly, bugs may take up residence and it will just be a lot cleaner. If that’s not an option (I get it, no romantic apocalypse will make me cut mine!) then you’ll want lots of ponytail holders so that you can braid it and get it out of your face.

Nails… I hate to break it to you, but you’ll have to cut those babies all the way down. You’ll need a pair of clipper and a nail file and that’s it. It’s not even remotely realistic to think that we’ll be able to have pretty nails. Well-kempt is the best we can hope for. Think about all the fantasy and adventure books you’ve read so far—do you remember any of the protagonists talk about being able to shower and wash their hair? Right, I didn’t think so.


by eden

Inhaling young adult books

December 7, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Lately, I’ve been consuming young adult books like they’re food and I’m starving in an apocalypse world—as usual, I need to create dark metaphors. I’ve realized what their appeal is—the protagonists are always people you can relate to. You have either already been through what they’re experiencing or it’s the basis of your deepest fears. You become invested in the characters and then, 99 percent of the time, they renew your hope in life when all goes well in the end. That’s exactly it—these young adult fantasy novels are renewing my hope.

My favorites at the moment are science fiction and fantasy books. Their stories give me an escape and make me completely forget about my situation. It’s refreshing, like taking the vacation I can’t ever take. It’s the one time I can forget about the imminence of an apocalypse world or trying to find a mate and just relax and enjoy. Get lost in another person’s problems.

I think I’ve gotten to the bottom of it—if I keep inhaling young adult books, maybe I will find the solutions to my issues or at least learn from the main characters’ quests. Until then, I’m pillaging the library of all its science fiction and fantasy titles.


by eden

Girl’s Survival Guide for the Apocalypse World

November 29, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Let’s face it—there are so many solutions we’ve gotta come up with like right away. We’re going to have to adapt to an apocalypse world in many more ways than guys do. And if you’re lucky enough to find a mate, it’s going to be even tougher. Trying to keep the fantasy romance alive in your relationship will be tough, if not impossible. Sounds like we’ve got some serious brainstorming to do at our next Save the Pearls meeting.

Obviously, we’re weaker and smaller than most dudes. On top of that, we’re high maintenance—we’ve got a lot more physical issues to learn to live with. For starters, what about body hair? While guys welcome a vacation from shaving and sometimes even look hot with a beard, girls don’t get too psyched about having hairy legs and armpits—except for the hippie chicks anyway. Thought I’m starting to think “hippies” are just fictional characters from science fiction and fantasy novels.


There are rumors that laser hair removal can permanently remove hair—that sounds perfect for protecting the shelf life of your fantasy romance. I’ve also heard that intense pulsed light (IPL) is cheap and fast, but not as effective as laser. You could always get one of those old school epilator things now, as they’ll be very hard to find in an apocalypse world. Plus, you won’t really be able to use it much, as there’ll be way more important use for your batteries.

A Save the Pearls member is selling these tiny pairs of scissors that you trim away the heaviest areas of hair. This might do the job to keep the fantasy and adventure alive in your relationship.

Ultimately, it would be rad if guys would just learn to love us for who we are, oblivious to our hairiness. I mean, look how hair they are.

by eden

Wardrobe for a post apocalypse world

November 24, 2011 in Apocalypse World, Eden's Posts

While the rest of the world packs to go away for Thanksgiving, I’m packing for the post apocalypse world. Right now, I’m getting girly-girl for a minute to think about what clothes we would need. I wonder if I’d still have to find a mate, worry about some fantasy romance or still try to save the Pearls. I got ideas for some of the items from science fiction and fantasy books, and others from Uni-Gov propaganda.

Obviously, I think you need a lot of the same stuff you’d need for Burning Man. A large, sturdy hat like a Russian Bomber Hat is a no-brainer in the apocalypse world—and it looks cute. Wool socks, goggles, dust mask, rain coat, long underwear, gloves, and gas mask are other must-haves. These outfits sound just perfect for attracting some fantasy romance—ha!



by eden

Young adult fantasy romance—fact or fiction?

November 15, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I keep wondering if my young adult fantasy romance will really happen. Has the idea of real love gone the way of the fairy tale? I know that lust still exists, but what about true love? Monogamous, loyal, intense… love. I believe more in the idea of romantic apocalypse.

Just when I think it’s going well, we hit a bump. It’s like a rollercoaster—or maybe we’re just extremists. We may have jumped in too fast, and now that the climate and everything around me is so highly charged, our feelings are still electric, but it almost feels like love one moment and hate the next. He has to ignore me in front of his co-workers, because they don’t want to believe it’s true.

When I’m bingeing on young adult fiction, I pretend I’m the protagonist, and that by the end of the story, I’ll be sold on the whole idea. But the truth is, I think this whole young adult fantasy romance thing is a myth. It seems like true love is deadly love.


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